Monday 19 December 2016


NAME:                 BASHIR  AHMED  MANGNO.
ROLL NO:            2K15/ITE/157    GROUP “B”    Evening.   
CLASS:                 BS(IT)    PART-ii   EVENING.
 TOPIC:                 Future   Trends   and   Direction  in  Virtual   Reality
DEPARTMEMT:  IICT.                                                                  DATED:     19- DEC-2016.     
                                Course Details

•Course Code: ITEC -613
•Course Title:Computer Graphics

                                         OUTLINE TOPIC

Ø FUTURE  TRENDS AND DIRECTION IN VIRTUALE REALITY                                     

OVERVIEW:         This assignment  provides an introduction to the future trend  and direction in virtual reality, you will learn about the main reality components.and discuss the main advantages of the  virtual reality.

What is virtual reality ?
Virtual reality(VR) is the term used to describe a three-dimentional graph or image  that is typically refers to the computer technology - that use software to generate realistic image sound and so on ….

By the using of computer technology to create   a simulated environment 
unlike traditional user interface  VR places the user inside an experience inside of viewing a screen in front of them ,user are immersed and able to interact with 3D worlds .BY  simulating as many senses  as possible, such as vision, hearing, touch, even smell, the computer is transformed into a gatekeeper to this artificial world. The only limits to near-real VR experiences are the availability of content and cheap computing power.
Virtual Reality technology
Virtual Reality’s most immediately-recognizable component is the head-mounted display (HMD). Human beings are visual creatures, and display technology is often the single biggest difference between immersive Virtual Reality systems and traditional user interfaces. For instance, CAVE automatic virtual environments actively display virtual content onto room-sized screens. While they are fun for people in universities and big labs, consumer and industrial wearables are the wild west.

What are the top Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality technology trends for 2016?
2015 was a year of tantalizing promise for Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality technology, with plenty of new hardware announced and initial content forays hitting the mainstream. 2016 is shaping up as the year that promise is fulfilled, with previously drooled over hardware finally making its way into the hands of consumers, and exciting new content providing unique experiences to a public hungry to experience this new technology.

So where are Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality headed in 2016? Here’s our top 5 emerging trends:

Ø It can be used in medical studies to enable students to know the human body structure.

Ø  It can be used in scientific research laboratories so that scientist can easily research on a specific topic.

Ø It can be used in entertaiment like in games and movies to make the gaming experience more real and to allow individual to experience adventures under extreme conditions.

Ø It can be used in driving schools as it give a real look of roads and traffic.

Ø It can be used in military training for the soldiers to get familiar with different areas in the battlefield.

These are the thing about virtual reality. Now i am going to talk about its advantages and disadvantages.

vAdvantages of Virtual Reality:

ü Virtual reality creates a realistic world
ü It enables user to explore places.
ü Through Virtual Reality user can experiment with an artificial environment.
ü Virtual Reality make the education more easily and comfort.

vDisadvantages of Virtual Reality               

ü The quipments used in virtual reality are very expensive.
ü It consists of complex technology.

ü In virtual reality environment we cant move by our own like in the real world.


Computer graphics

Student Name : WAQAR HUSSAIN
Student Roll No: 2k15\ITE\139
Class: BS-IT-PART-2
Shift : Evening
Group: Group(B)
Semester: 4th SEMESTER
Year: 2016
Assignment Topic: Difference between Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

Submitted To: Sir zeeshan bhati

 Before going to see difference between Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, first we should know what are these two things. So I will try to explain little bit overview about realities then I will try to Wright little bit idea about differences between virtual reality and augmented reality.

Over view:
Today technology is improving rapidly , as we know that many things are possible today’s, but  were  not possible in 15 or20 years ago even we were trying to make it happen, but could not able to success. Today are going to be possible those things in form of virtual reality and augmented reality. But what are they let’s see.
After 1990s the virtual reality was on everyone lips as many companies were trying to make it happens , but those all companies were failed to make it happen. 
 The most notable device back then was the Nintendo virtual boy, thought it failed miserable, and discontinued a year after going on sale, then Nintendo has never attempted improve on the technology, which could set the company behind its competition as virtual reality is slowly coming to back into our lives. When it comes to augmented reality, we're looking at something that has found more success in the consumer space when compared to virtual reality. We've seen several applications with AR, along with video game and hardware devices such as the Google Glass. It is clear that the way things are right now, AR has the upper hand against VR, and that might not be changing anytime soon.

What is the augmented reality
                                                            Augmented reality (AR) is a live direct or indirect view of physical ,real world environment whose elements are augmented by computer  generated sensory.
Example :
            Sound, videos,  graphics,  and GPS data.
While some of us are still getting to grips with this reality, designers, engineers and developers are busy building new ones. Augmented reality (AR) enhances what we see via smartglasses which overlay 3D, contextually aware graphics on to our view of the real-world environment. In other words, Google Glass isn’t dead yet.
What is the virtual reality       
                                                  Virtual reality (VR) also known as immersive multimedia or computer simulated reality, is a computer technology that replicates an environment, real or imagined, and simulates a user’s physical presence and environment in a way that allow the user to interact with it.
        Virtual reality (VR) completely immerses us in an alternate, 360-degree world, either live action or computer animated, using a headset that tracks head movements. Accessories include headphones, motion-tracking controllers and gloves. Aldous Huxley would run a mile if presented with an Oculus Rift headset, but for the converted, VR in 2015 is simply unlike anything else   
Virtual reality
                        Difference between Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality



Virtual reality

Augmented reality


How these technologies
Immerses the wearer in a 360-degree, 3D-environment; spatial sound and motion-tracking optional
Overlays 3D graphics on to the wearer’s view of the real-world environment


Oculus Rift, Samsung Gear VR, Google Cardboard, HTC Vive, Sony Project Morpheu
Oculus Rift, Samsung Gear VR, Google Cardboard, HTC Vive, Sony Project Morpheu


Main benefits
Transports the wearer to another environment; low-cost mobile VR with innovative accessories
Wearer remains engaged in the real world and keeps hands free; glasses rather than headset


Main hurdles

Simulation sickness and input; needs apps, experiences and games ready for launch
Small field of view, expensive hardware, fashion form factor required and needs apps/games


Biggest deals

Facebook paid $2 billion (£1.3 billion) for Oculus VR in 2014
Magic Leap raised $542 million (£346 million) from Google, Qualcomm and others in 2014